This is what the game looks like that you will need. You also need a good computer with a real good processor/video card.
Please contact me with any questions or difficulties, and I will try to help. Click on links for downloads, and also contact
me with any suggestions, etc. (email, message board, or guest book on main page of this site)
This is the Sierra patch. This you will NEED to add other mods (divisions, series) and to race online. You basically
need it to do much with the game!
These are the mods (divisions) for the game to download+add on
The Cup mod comes with the game
This is the Aero 88 mod
This is the CTS mod
The is the Busch (GNS) mod
These are some cool tracks that do not come with the game
Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh NY
Sunshine Speedway (small track-very cool)
RURA (fictional track/kicks but! gotta try this one!)
Greensboro (another short track, very good!)
Individual cars to download + add in
Silent Dale's 2006-2007 Late Model
Click here to download my late model shown above
Download my new CTS ride here (Pic is shown at the top of the page)
Click Picture to download my Aero 88 car |
Click Picture to download my Aero 88 ENDURO car |
Click to download my Cup car (inside of Jimmie Johnson) |
Click to download this CTS ride |
Click to download Eddy Companion's Aero 88 I painted |
Click to download Kevin Burdo's Aero 88 (hes on the outside) |
Click here to download Freeman Sawyer's Aero 88 ride (pic coming soon)
Click here to download Travis Stoke's Aero 88 ride (pic coming soon)
Other misc. sim racing sites
This is league I recently joined.
**This site here has way more links than I do, and here you can get pointed in the right direction for just about anything
you'll need! Tracks, cars, servers, etc, etc.<<GOOD SITE!!
Wildman's ACT car downloads
The U.S. Pits
This is a link to the Outside Groove message board sim racing portion. This is where I discovered the game, and where the
league(s) I'm in is discussed. Many downloads, etc. there as well.
Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s sim racing site (Yes, he's into it also!!)
Dale, Dale, and Dale wrecking here.
(Just a couple little samples of some of the things you can do in the game!)